Innovation at Its Best!
Create your OWN COURSE built on-demand to deliver just the training you need. Nothing more, nothing less.
It’s simple. Start by reviewing the 9 LEARNING PATHS and over 100 topics to find what you need. Then, open the Build-Your-Own tool. Follow the on-screen prompts, and start building your course components.
Name your course and set your course duration.
Select your learning paths and topics for your course from drop-down lists.
Start selecting the course objectives that will meet your learning goals
The skills- and knowledge-based objectives are already filtered for you based upon your topic selection
Pick the instructional units from among hundreds of discrete content nuggets
Again, they’re already filtered based upon your selected objectives. We keep track of your course duration and let you know if you’re running long.
Review your choices. And, when you’re done, just press BUILD NOW.