So, it’s easy to get lost in your day-to-day, following the same comfortable route you always take, settled in your thoughts about yourself, your work, your business, your life. Believing that you have no control over your life or business success. Then one day, it strikes you, “I’m not really that happy. Is this the only way for me?”
What you could use is a coach to help guide your way forward – a KadouScope Coach. Thoughtful, compassionate, inspiring people who can ask those penetrating questions that lead you to an honest understanding about yourself. To help you seek clarity and experience that “Aha” moment when you find it.
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Listen, if you’re building or running a small business, you know how overwhelming or even how stressful the journey can be… You Are Not Alone! Starting a small business does NOT have to mean starting from scratch. In just 7 transformative modules, you can go from feeling lost in the entrepreneurial sea… to fearlessly charting your own path towards business success. SMALL BUSINESS OWNER: The ONLY Live Masterclass and Professional Certification Designed To Help You Tackle Real-World Entrepreneurial Challenges And Implement Results-Driven Tactics
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This assessment provides a highly detailed analysis of each individual’s natural and adapted behavioral styles and emotions. DISC reveals how a person will behave within a given environment, situation, or relationship. It offers prescriptive lessons designed to highlight and maximize self-awareness, intentionality, and interpersonal communication, personally and professionally.
Find the most globally recognized and respected assessments right here. Find a quiet time and comfortable space. Relax. And begin your self-discovery.
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Regular Price: $19.99 | Discounted Price: $9.99
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Meditation is a popular practice of mindfulness, concentration, and relaxation. Each session can greatly enhance your physical wellbeing and your emotional health. You’ll find that meditation can reduce your stress levels, help you connect and interact better with others, and enhance mindfulness around your presence each day. Over time, you’ll find greater, lasting inner strength, become healthier, happier, and more effective in your life pursuits.
Relax and release yourself into the music, sounds, voice. You’ll be refreshed, refocused, and ready for what comes next today.